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How to configure the Security Settings of WatchGuard Email Protection

Informationen gäller för:

Panda Cloud Email Protection

Find below frequently asked questions regarding how to configure the security settings of the WatchGuard EMail Protection (WEP) platform. Click the + sign to expand the questions and see the answers.
+ How to configure Relay for Outbound mailflow? - How to configure Relay for Outbound mailflow?
To use WEP relay service for outgoing traffic, it is necessary to set the mail server IP addresses allowed to send emails through WEP service.
  • It does not apply to Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 customers.
+ How can users manage their quarantine? - How can users manage their quarantine?
WEP quarantine report allows users to manage their quarantine without accessing Control Panel or another software installation required (this functionality replaces the Notifier, that will be no longer available).
  • Categories to be shown can be customized (Infomail, Spam, Threat & Content)
  • Allowed actions for users can be also set (Spam & Malware Protection -> User Rights)
  • It is possible to include an email preview into quarantine report
  • Delivery times can be set up to hourly
  • Template Information (contact information, body, logo?) can be customized as well
+ How do I enable SPF check? - How do I enable SPF check?
SPF check (as DKIM & DMARC) can be activated in Security Settings-> Email Authentication section.
    • In order to be able to activate SPF check it is necessary to add SPF entry following manual guide
+ Allow & Deny Lists Management - Allow & Deny Lists Management
Global Allow & Deny lists can be managed in Deny & Allow Lists section. It is possible to add or delete entries for user lists as well, just selecting User level in the top-right corner drop-down menu.
    • By default, Deny & Allow lists have been synced from PCEP platform.
+ How can we create engine rules? - How can we create engine rules?
To create customized rules, just need to go to Security Settings -> Compliance Filter.
  • Compliance Filter Rules are not supported in automated migration tasks.
Artikelnummer- 20220413 600020 EN