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How to block Facebook and other sites (HTTP or HTTPS) with Panda GateDefender eSeries

Informationen gäller för:

Panda GateDefender Integra eSeries
Panda GateDefender Performa eSeries

This article explains how to block Facebook and other sites (HTTP or HTTPS) with Panda GateDefender eSeries.

How to create an access policy to block Facebook and Twitter

  1. From the GUI, go to Proxy > HTTP > Access Policy and select Add Access Policy.
  2. In the Source Type combo box, select the type of interface you want to block:

    • ANY
    • Zone
    • Network/IP
    • MAC

      In this case, you need to select ANY.
  3. In the Destination Type combo box, select the type of interface you want to block:

    • ANY
    • Zone
    • Network/IP
    • Domain

      In this case, you need to select Domain.
  4. Type the names of the domains you want to block in the Insert Domains (one per line) section. In the case you want to block all sub-domains, simply add a dot before the domain's name.

    Note: Remember that you must configure your browser to use proxy also for SSL.
  5. In the Access policy combo box, select Deny access.
  6. Under Position, select First position.

    Make sure the First position is selected because, if the rule is positioned after an Allow access rule, your blocked rule will be ignored.
  7. Click Create/Update rule button and when a green pop-up is displayed, click Apply to save the changes.

How to create a rule in DNS proxy to block Facebook and Twitter

This information is useful only if you have HTTP proxy set in transparent mode. This is so because it is able to intercept HTTP traffic but not HTTPS or if HTTP proxy is not enabled.

  1. From the GUI, go to Proxy > DNS proxy > DNS Routing > Add New Custom Name server for a Domain.
  2. In the Domain text box, type the domain name that you want to block (i.e. facebook.com).
  3. Enter the DNS Server IP address (i.e. or enter an internal/external DNS server that resolves the domain facebook.com to a custom landing page.
  4. Additionally, you can insert a remark (Remark text box) describing why you added the rule.
  5. Click Add button to complete the process.

Artikelnummer- 20140327 41809 EN