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Items to be excluded in the Panda for File Servers scans on Exchange 2003/2007/2010 computers

Informationen gäller för:

Panda for File Servers (Windows)
Panda for Exchange

Operativ system
Windows 2000 ServerWindows 2003 Server (64-bit Edition)
Windows 2000 Advanced ServerWindows Server 2008 (64-bit Edition)
Windows Server 2003


There are cases in which the Exchange Server Information Store stops, databases get corrupted, or the server’s file permanent protection detects viruses in databases or in the Exchange server temporary files.

These incidents usually occur because the file permanent protection installed on the server interferes with the Exchange server components.


To prevent this from occurring, some folders must be excluded from the scans performed by the file antivirus protection installed on the server. In order to know the recommended exclusions, access the following links:

Steps to configure the Panda Security for File Servers scans

  1. Access the computer on which the Panda AdminSecure console is installed.
  2. Open the console. To do this, click Start -> Programs -> Panda AdminSecure -> AdminSecure Console.
  3. The administration console opens.
  4. The modules that can be protected are displayed in the tree on the left.
  5. Select the Windows server on which you want to configure the permanent antivirus protection by right-clicking it and selecting Edit settings… If that element is inheriting the settings from another element higher up in the hierarchy, a message is displayed asking for confirmation to modify the settings.
  6. Several tabs are displayed. Select What to scan:
  7. Click Files to scan to configure the permanent scan.

    Items to be excluded from the scan:
    • Don't exclude any item from the scan.
    • If you select Exclude the following items, you must specify the folders, files and extensions to be excluded from the scan.

      NOTE 1: If the Exchange server is installed on Windows 2000 SBS Server or if POP3 connectors are used, the following exclusions must also be done:
      • SBS POP3 executables = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Networking\POP3
      • SBS POP3 executables = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Networking\POP3
      • SBS POP3 connector Failed Mail = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Networking\POP3\Failed Mail

    NOTE 2: The default path could vary if the system Administrator has installed the Exchange server in another folder.

Additional information

If you are using a file antivirus from another company, we recommend you to check the antivirus settings to fix these problems.

Artikelnummer- 20130213 40412 EN