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Net Assets and SNMP in Systems Management

Informationen gäller för:

Systems Management

NetAssets is a feature that scans the local subnet and returns a list of devices which respond to ICMP ping. If the device responds to ICMP, it will then be queried for SNMP information using the Public community string. A NetAssets scan will be run during the audit on the device nominated as a Connection Broker on the LAN. The results of the NetAssets scan can then be viewed by logging into the PCSM administration console, in the Profile > Audit tab.

For example, if a printer responds to ICMP ping and is compatible with SNMP protocol, it can be added as a managed device in the profile.

Additionally, you can also control the value that agents read from the Platform at Agent service start-up time by configuring it in the Account Setting page, in the Custom Agent Setting area.

If you are not interested in the NetAssets feature (Discovered devices), you can also disable it. Just access the Custom Agent Setting area and, in the Netassets Subnet limit section, set the value in their account to zero in order to effectively switch off the network scanning. Setting the netassets.subnetlimit value to zero will cause that no more ICMP messages are sent. That is, switching off the NetAsset Discover will only disable the devices discovery but managed printers will keep on working.

How to add a printer as a managed device

  1. Click the hostname of the device.
  2. A message will prompt you to confirm the addition of this device as a managed agent to your account.
  3. Once confirmed, the printer will be added to the Profile as a Managed device.

  4. Upon creation of the managed printer, an SNMP Printer policy will automatically be created at the profile level.

    This policy will monitor the supply level of the device and alert if the predefined threshold has been breached. This policy can be edited to add alerts or ticket creation in the normal way.

Artikelnummer- 20140530 300151 EN