Start enjoying maximum safety with Panda Panda Dome for Android™ in three easy steps. All you need is an Internet connection on your device:
Step 1: Download and install Panda Dome for Android™
Download and install Panda Panda Dome for Android™ from
You can also download and install your product by scanning the QR code below with a QR app installed on your mobile device:
Step 2: Activate your product
- Once installed, open your antivirus and click the Have a code? option.
- Enter your Activation Code and click Activate.
You will find it either on the Panda Security welcome email of your inbox (online purchase) or in the product box (see images below):
Step 3: Create your Panda Account
- Create your Panda Account from the installation wizard of Panda Panda Dome for Android™.
Your Panda Account will allow you to:- Manage all your services.
- Locate your device, block and delete your private data in case of theft or loss
- Access Technical Support and contact the Panda Security experts.
- Enter the email adress you want to associate to your Panda Account and click Login.
- An email will be sent to your inbox to validate the account.
NOTE: If you Panda Account already exists, the wizard will prompt you to enter the password and click Continue. - Locate the Panda Account activation email in your inbox and click Activate your account.
For further information, please refer to article What are the benefits of your Panda Account?