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What is the Risk Assessment feature present in products based on Aether?

Informatie van toepassing op:

Panda Adaptive Defense 360 on Aether PlatformPanda Adaptive Defense on Aether Platform
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The risk assessment feature enables you to view and monitor the overall status of the security risk assigned to computers you manage.

Required Permissions
The risk assessment feature is visible to all users of the web console. However, you must have the Full Control role to configure it.

Accessing the Settings
Select the Settings menu at the top of the console. Select Risks from the side menu. The Risks page opens. This page is divided into two main areas: a list of risk factors and a series of drop-down menus to assign risk levels.

List Risk
Most risk factors have to do with the various types of settings implemented in Aether. Other factors are related to the protection status information sent by computers to the Aether servers.

How risk assessment works
Aether has a default configuration for each risk factor. This is the configuration you see the first time that you access the Risks page. However, you can change the risk level assigned by default and select another risk level based on your needs.

To configure risk assessment:

  • In the list of risk factors, click the toggles to enable the factors you want to detect.
  • Use the Risk drop-down menu to assign a risk level to each factor: Critical, High, Medium.
  • If the risk level you select does not match the level recommended by Aether, the warning icon appears. Point to the icon. A message appears that shows the risk level recommended by Aether.
  • Click Save
Monitoring risk assessment
Risk assessment results are shown in the relevant widgets and lists.

Modification and recalculation of recommended values
Aether can modify the risk levels recommended for the various factors, but that change will not have an immediate effect on the factors you enable, unless there is an upgrade to a new version of Aether 360, in which case:
  • Risk factors whose risk level you did not modify are automatically updated to the new default value recommended by Aether.
  • Aether 360 recalculates risk for all computers. The default configuration shows the new recommended risk levels.
Calculation of the global risk level assigned to each computer

Calculation of the risk level assigned to each computer occurs:

  • For the entire network, every time there is an upgrade to a new version of Aether 360.
  • For a specific computer, when certain circumstances occur, such as: when you assign new settings to the computer, the computer or device is moved from one group to another, a new computer or device is registered, or, in some cases, when a change is made to the license assigned to the computer.

    The overall risk level for a computer is equal to the highest risk level for any risk detected on it.

    • A computer has 5 risks detected (active), 1 of which has a Hight risk level and the other 4 have a Medium risk level. The computer overall risk level will be High.
    • A computer has 5 risks selected for detection. 4 are active (1 has a Hight risk level and 3 have a Medium risk level) and 1 is inactive (with a Critical risk level). The computer overall risk level will be High.

Accessing the lists
You can access the risk assessment lists in two ways:

  • Select the Status menu at the top of the console.
  • Select Risks in the side menu. Click the relevant widget.
  • Select the Status menu at the top of the console.
  • From the side panel, in the My lists section, click Add. The Add list window opens. This window shows all available templates.
  • In the General section, select the risk list you want to use: Risks by computer or Risks. The template list opens. Edit and save it. The list is added to the My lists section in the side menu.
Risk assessment module panels/widgets
  • Accessing the dashboard
    To access the dashboard, select the Status menu at the top of the console. Select Risks from the side menu.
  • Company risk
    Shows the number of computers that have one of the set levels of risk from all computers that are visible to you. The status of computers is depicted by a circle with various colors and associated counters. The panel shows the number and percentage of computers with the same status.
    • Lists accessible from the panel
      Click the hotspots shown in Hotspots in the Company risk panel to open the Risks by computer list.
  • Risks trend
    Shows the evolution of the number of computers that have a specific level of risk over time.
    • Lists accessible from the panel
      Click the legend items under the graph to open the Risks by computer list filtered to show the selected item. To view the Risks by computer full list with no filters applied, click an empty space on the graph.
  • Detected risks
    Shows the five risk factors most detected on computers.
    • Lists accessible from the panel
      Click the hotspots shown in the figure to open lists
  • Computers at risk
    Shows the ten computers with the highest global risk level. The overall risk level for a computer is equal to the highest risk level for any risk detected on the computer.
    • Lists accessible from the panel
      Click the hotspots shown in the figure to open lists

Artikelnummer- 20230531 700141 EN