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Error 3333 loading/downloading plug-ins during the update of the Endpoint Protection signature files

Ces informations s’appliquent à:

Panda Endpoint Protection
Panda Endpoint Protection Plus

Error 3333 loading/downloading plug-ins during the update of the Endpoint Protection signature files.

The WalUpd.log file in %ProgramFiles%\Panda Security\WaAgent\WalUpd reports the following errors:

  • EC_WALUPD_ERR_NULL_ARG (2048). It indicates the plug-in load path is a blank string in the PLUGINS section of the WalUpd.ini file. For example:

    WAAGENT=" "
  • EC_WALUPD_ERR_GENERAL (2049). It indicates the path to the plug-in is incorrect or the plug-in is not found in the location specified in the PLUGINS section of the WalUpd.ini file. It can also indicate that the file is corrupted.
  • EC_WALUPD_ERR_COULD_NOT_LOAD_PLUGIN (2053). It indicates the library does not export the necessary functions.
Elements to check
  • Check 1: The libraries actually exist in the paths.
    Check the following:
    • All libraries mentioned in the PLUGINS section of the WALUpd.ini file actually exist in the indicated paths.
    • These paths are not empty.
      If the libraries can actually be found in the paths and they are not empty, go on to the following check.
  • Check 2: Incompatible version.
    In this case, it is necessary to check that all plug-ins logged in the PLUGINS section of the WalUpd.ini file export all functions defined for the Walupd plug-ins (WA_Initialize, WA_Finalize, WA_GetPluginRevisions, WASFUPD_GetSFTypesCount, WASFUPD_GetSFTypeByIndex, WASFUPD_GetSFSubTypesCount, WASFUPD_GetSFSubTypeByIndex, WASFUPD_GetSFInfo, WASFUPD_GetSFPath, WASFUPD_UpdateSFByPath).
    1. Go to the %ProgramFiles%\Panda Security\WaAgent\WalUpd directory.
    2. Edit the WalUpd.ini file.
    3. Find all plug-ins logged in section [PLUGINS]


      WAAGENT="C:\Program Files\Panda Security\WaAgent\WALSYSUD\WalSysUd.dll"
      WAC=C:\Program Files\Panda Security\WAC\WACONF.dll
    4. Once you have found the plug-in, check its dependencies using a tool like Dependency Walker for example.

      In this example, the plug-in is WAUPD.dll and it correctly exports the following functions: WA_Initialize, WA_Finalize, WA_GetPluginRevisions, WASFUPD_GetSFTypesCount, WASFUPD_GetSFTypeByIndex, WASFUPD_GetSFSubTypesCount, WASFUPD_GetSFSubTypeByIndex, WASFUPD_GetSFInfo, WASFUPD_GetSFPath y WASFUPD_UpdateSFByPath, as you can see in the image below:


Apply the solution that corresponds to your case:

  1. Copy the plug-in that has caused the error to the correct directory.
  2. Modify the path so that it points to the right file.
    • If some library does not exist, due to the fact that a protection module has been uninstalled, you can remove the relevant entry from the PLUGINS sections of the WALUpd.ini file.
    • If the library exists but it doesn?t export the necessary functions, replace the library with a correct version or reinstall the protection.
Data needed to report the incident
If the issue is not solved, it is necessary to collect a series of data from the computer. This information is collected automatically by the PSInfo tool that you need to download and run following these instructions:

  1. From a computer with Internet connection, download the PSInfo file into your computer and save it in your Windows Desktop.
  2. Fill in all the requested fields.
  3. When the data collection finishes, a file called XXXX.psz is generated in your hard drive. Send to Panda Security this file which is located in the TEMP folder of your hard drive, by default.
In the event that for whatever reason PSInfo cannot be run, it is necessary to collect and send the following data to Panda for analysis:

  1. WalUpd.ini configuration file.
    This file is in %Programfiles%\Panda Security\WaAgent\Security\WaAgent\WalUpd
  2. WalUpd log file (once the error has occurred).
    To get this log, follow the steps below:
    1. Find the WalUpd.ini file in %Programfiles%\Panda Security\WaAgent\WalUpd
    2. Edit the file by adding the following lines
    3. Restart the Panda Endpoint Administration Agent service.
      For the error to reoccur and therefore collect the data, generate a new immediate scan and force an update for the scan to be launched. To do this:
      1. Access the %ProgramFiles%\Panda Security\WaAgent\WasLpMng folder from a DOS window
      2. Run the command waplpmng walupd ?force -continue
When the error reoccurs, collect the data and send it to Panda Security.
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