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How to assign and release product licenses with Aether-based products?

Information applies to:

Panda Adaptive Defense 360 on Aether PlatformPanda Adaptive Defense on Aether Platform
Panda Endpoint Protection on Aether PlatformPanda Endpoint Protection Plus on Aether Platform

To start using the Aether-based produts, you must purchase a number of licenses equal to or greater than the number of computers to protect. Each product license is assigned to a single computer (workstation, server or mobile device).


You can check the licenses contracted and licenses in use from the Status tab and clicking the Licenses option on the left panel.

Automatic assignment of licenses

Once you install the product software on a computer on the network, and provided there are unused licenses, the system will assign a free license to the computer automatically.

Manual assignment of licenses

  1. Follow the steps assign a product license to a network computer.
  2. Go to the Computers menu at the top of the console and select the device to assign the license to.
  3. Go to the Details tab. The Licenses section will display the status No licenses.
  4. Click the icon to assign a free license to the computer automatically.
Automatic release

If you uninstall the product from one of your computers, the system will automatically recover its license and will send it back to your pool of unused licenses. Similarly, as soon as a license expires, it will be automatically removed from the relevant computer.

Manual release

  1. Go to the Computers menu at the top of the console and select the device whose license you want to release.
  2. Go to the Details tab. The Licenses section will display the status 'Adaptive Defense 360'.
  3. Click the Release license icon to release the license and send it back to your pool of unused licenses.

What happens at the endpoint when a license is released?

This is what you see at the endpoint when a license is released upon opening the program:

And this is the notification message shown:

Basically, both the agent and protection will still be installed but the protection will be disabled, therefore, you will be unprotected. In order to enable the protection again, you need to reassign the license to the computer, as explained in section Manual assignment of licenses.

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