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How to set up a password against unauthorized protection tampering?

Information applies to:

Panda Adaptive Defense 360
Panda Email Protection
Panda Endpoint Protection Plus


The instructions indicated in this article apply to the traditional management platform. If your query refers to a product based on Aether Platform, please access the article on the How to set up a password against unauthorized protection tampering?, or else, check the Knowledge Base, where you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

If you still haven't switched to Aether, please contact your sales representative or reseller and request the platform migration.

The Adaptive Defense and Endpoint Protection products allows you to set up a password that will be required to perform certain advanced administrative actions locally from the protected computers.
Set up this password if you select the following options:

  • Require a password to uninstall the protection locally from the protected computer

    If you enable this option, the configured password will be required to uninstall the protection or the agent from any computer that has these settings applied. This will prevent unauthorized uninstallations.
  • Allow the protections to be temporarily enabled/disabled from the protected computer's console

    If you enable this option, the configured password will be required to access the administrator panel from the protected computer's local console. The administrator panel let users temporarily enable and disable the protections regardless of the settings received from the Web console. After the selected time period, the changes will be reverted to the settings established from the Web console.
  • Enable Anti-Tamper protection

    The Anti-Tamper protection prevents unauthorized users and certain types of malware from stopping the protection services or drivers, leaving computers unprotected.If you enable this option, the configured password will be required to disable the feature locally from the protected computer.
Steps to follow:

  1. From the Adaptive Defense console, go to Settings, select the profile you want to apply the new settings.
  2. Click the Windows and Linux section on the left menu and select the Advanced options.

  3. Within the Administrator password section, enable the three options available.

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