How to install the PCSM Linux agent on Red Hat
- Ensure your username is part of the Red Hat sudoers list or any further commands you issue will fail.
- If you are not part of the sudoers list, log in as root with the password you set prior and run the following terminal command:
echo 'USERNAME ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
where USERNAME is your user name. - Type sudo su and log in.
- Change directory (ls & cd) to the correct location of the agent installer .sh file.
- Type sh (where AGENTFILE is the filename of your agent setup file for linux.)
- If you are prompted at all during the installation (it may ask if you wish to install mono), respond with Y.
How to install the PCSM Linux agent on Ubuntu
- Open the terminal app, either from the Unity launcher or from your preferred file manager.
- Type: sudo apt-get install mono-complete and enter your password when prompted.
- Keep the terminal open once the installation has completed.
- Download the agent from the PCSM website. It will come as a .sh file.
- Open your terminal again and type in the following:
cd [folder with centrastage .sh file in]
type: sudo su and enter your password.
sh AgentSetup_[filename].sh - Once you are able to input text into the terminal window again, you are able to close it.
- Your device record should appear in the PCSM.
How to uninstall the PCSM Linux agent
- Open a terminal shell.
- Ensure you have a superuser password to-hand.
- Type the following commands:
sudo su - (on Ubuntu) or simply type su (on Red Hat) and enter your password.
cd /opt/CentraStage/
sh - This should complete the process.