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How to fix file protection errors in Adaptive Defense/Endpoint Protection

Information applies to:

Panda Adaptive Defense 360
Panda Endpoint Protection
Panda Endpoint Protection Plus


The instructions indicated in this article apply to the traditional management platform. If your query refers to a product based on Aether Platform, please access the article on the How to solve errors in the protection or agent of products based on Aether Platform? or else, check the Knowledge Base, where you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

If you still haven't switched to Aether, please contact your sales representative or reseller and request the platform migration.


Some computers show a red shield icon in the Protection column indicating that there is a file protection error.

If a computer has errors affecting any other protection modules, there will be no red shield icon in the Protection column. Nevertheless, the relevant error will be displayed both in the computer tooltip and in the detailed information for the computer.


  • Windows:
    If the error is occurring in a protection installed in Windows operating system follow the steps described below:
    1. Download the Panda Support Information tool.
    2. From the Tools tab click on the Repair protection option and once the process is finished click on the ForceSync option.

    3. If the problem persists, please report a case.
  • Android:
    If the protection error affects an Android device, follow the steps indicated below:
    1. If it is Android 9, it is a known error that only affects traditional products and has been solved in the new Aether platform. Please, report a case to request migration.
    2. If you have any other version, in order to solve the problem, ensure that the Panda application is added as Device administrator within Settings, Security and privacy, Additional settings. Otherwise, please uninstall the Panda application and reinstall it but following these steps:
      1. Access the application from Settings - Applications, and in Storage, delete cache and delete data.
      2. Access Google Drive and disable the backup feature.
      3. Restart the mobile device.
      4. Next, uninstall Panda and restart the mobile device again.
      5. Install the application again and enter the Activation Code.
      6. Open Panda and select Support, Notify an incident from the menu.
      7. Activate the anti-theft protection now.
      8. When the antitheft is enabled, click Finish and send the data.
      9. Check if the device is now correctly displayed in the console. If it is, it is not necessary to send us the data. If it is not displayed, please send the data to us. This information will allow us to thoroughly study issues related to errors in the file protection of Endpoint Protection.
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