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Angelina Jolie, Barack Obama, Michael Jackson… all these names could be used as bait for E-crime

Posted by David San José September 22, 2009

On checking your mail you could find messages with enticing names of famous people, e.g. “Angelina Jolie porno Video Free”, “Barack Obamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!”, “Brad Pitt naked video!!!”, “Michael Jackson free video!!!”, etc.

Sometimes the email subject begins with popular social network names; “Facebook….!!!”,  “Twitter…!!!”.

The common feature is that they use interesting subjects to temp users into opening them. From then on, the door is open to E-crime, which could install unauthorized programs on your computer.

Here is an example of the spam detected, related to Angelina Jolie:


Hackers are becoming increasingly crafty. For example, who wouldn’t open an email which allegedly contains flight tickets? or an invoice? Cyber-criminals try and get as close to victims’ daily lives as possible (at work or at home).   

Once open, these emails are designed as Trojans that steal information from your computer without you noticing.

To prevent these emails from accessing your mailbox you must install an antivirus and enable the automatic updates. This way, Panda Security protects you against identified E-crime.

This post has been written together with PandaLabs which has a mailbox you can send suspicious emails to ( and will inform you whether it is spam or not.

David San José

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