The long-awaited ARM processor revolution has finally arrived. ARM processors, which started out by conquering mobile devices, suddenly seemed to be an interesting, viable alternative for servers, desktops, and laptops and many companies invested in what was believed to be a surefire future trend in the technology industry. Yet as the years went by, ARM solutions did not fulfil the expectations in this hugely lucrative market. At least not until now.
In 2021, ARM is set to fulfil its potential thanks to the support of Microsoft. This new opportunity will come, according to Bloomberg News, through the effort that the tech giant is making in designing its own ARM processors, chips that are to be used on its servers and cloud infrastructure, as well as in the Surface range of devices.
At Panda Security, a WatchGuard brand, we are aware of just how dynamic the cybersecurity industry is, and that market maturity, pressure from competitors, and cyberthreat evolution has led customers to expect an increasingly perfect response and a truly reliable solution. For this reason, and in our quest to respond and adapt to the needs of businesses and organizations, we have launched a new version of our Endpoint Security portfolio which maximizes the protection and coverage of supported platforms along with many other improvements now available in the XI release of Aether-based cybersecurity solutions for endpoints.
Aether XI release: key benefits
The new version brings a series of new benefits to the Endpoint Security portfolio, including: Adaptive Defense/Adaptive Defense 360, Endpoint Protection/Endpoint Protection Plus, Data Control, and Encryption.
–Support for Windows ARM: WatchGuard is a pioneer in offering protection for Windows on ARM
- Our Windows agent can be installed on devices with ARM processors.
- Devices with ARM-based operating systems are displayed on the web console.
- These devices can be identified with filters, through the new ‘Architecture’ field.
–Custom messages in local alerts:
- Customers can display contact details or other information to minimize the impact of certain actions.
- Partners can display promotional or advertising messages.
– Ability to prevent writing to unencrypted storage devices (USB drives):
- New Data Control setting option to enable or disable the policy preventing writing to USB drives if not encrypted with BitLocker.
-‘Authorized Software’ area can be used to proactively and securely circumvent the blocking imposed by our Zero-Trust Application service.
-Support for Big Sur, the latest version of the macOS operating system.
Don’t miss the portfolio of B2B solutions that Panda Security, a WatchGuard brand, offers you. For more details about these new features and the other options that will enable you to strengthen your corporate cybersecurity, you can contact with your usual commercial.
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