More features and great prizes with the new Panda Managed Office Protection Beta version
– The options to choose the default language of client protection, to enable or disable remote protection and greater flexibility in the automatic sending of…
Good (?) old times
Right now we are dealing with about 25,000 new malware samples per day. From time to time we remember the old days, when we were…
Defacement archive of Zone-H gets defaced
Several days ago, one of the main archives which contain records of the web defacement attacks carried out all over the world has been victim…
Panda Collective Intelligence and VirusTotal
As you know we've been using Panda Collective Intelligence from-the-cloud-scanning technologies since about two years ago, initially in our online scanners ActiveScan and also in…
Blogger Summit recap
Last week, Panda Security hosted the First Security Blogger Summit at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. Over 200 people involved in IT security…
And the Oscar goes to… Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise
– According to PandaLabs, these are the celebrity names that most frequently appear in malicious email. – Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie and Lindsay Lohan are…
Comments in used to distribute malware
– Cyber-crooks are using accounts, probably stolen, to post comments with links pointing supposedly to videos of celebrities such as Christian Bale, Megan Fox or…