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“Here you have” worm attack could have been lauched from Spain

Last Friday, Sean-Paul published a blog post talking about a worm that was been distributed over a brief 24 hour period. The worm known as “Here you have” was the 2nd variant of a worm, which appeared more than a month ago, and one of its characteristics was that the from address in the message was “iraq_resistance”, which has been linked to the terrorist group called “Brigades of Tariq ibn Ziyad.”

Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād al-Layti (in Arabic, طارق بن زياد) (died in 720 AC) was a Bereber general that led the conquer of the Visigothic Hispania in the VIII century.

A few hours ago, a person that identifies himself as the creator of the worm, has published a video, signed by “IRAQ Resistance – Leader of Tarek Bin Ziad Group”. The user alias publishing the video is “iqziad”, 26 years old, from Spain, according to the data the creator has added in his Youtube profile.

According to the video, this worm has been created targeting mainly to the United States, and it justifies it in 2 reasons: to commemorate the September 11 attacks and to demand respect to Islam, refering to the Terry Jones incident last week, when he wanted to burn a Koran in public.

The video shows a static picture of Andalucia, a region in the South of Spain. We have already sent all the information to the Spanish Guardia Civil, and we are doing some more research on this, so we’ll be probably publishing more information in the near future.

Here you can watch the video:

We also tried to transcribe the video as best as we could:

Hello, My nickname is Iraq Resistance.  Listen to me about the reasons behind 9/September virus that affected NASA, Coca-Cola, Google, and most American ???.  What I wanted to say is that the United States doesn’t have the right to invade our people and steal the oil under the name of nuclear weapons.  Have you seen any there?  No evidence about any project.  How easy you kill and destroy.  Second, that the Christian, Terry Jones.  What he tried to do the same day this worm spread is not even fair.  I know that not all Christians are similar and some news papers wrote that I am a terrorist hacker because a computer virus and Mr. Terry Jones is not.  And he is not terrorist because he affected all muslims behavior? I think, America, come on, be fair.  Where is your freedom, which must end when you ???.  As you say you modern educated people. I don’t know that there is another one and really I don’t like “smashing” and even there were no computers “smashed” as you know from the analysis report. I can “smash” all of those infected, but I wouldn’t and don’t use the word terrorist please.  I hope all people understand that I’m not negative person. Thank you for publishing.

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