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Why do we act so differently in our virtual worlds?

Social media is being embraced by individuals and companies in all industries and internally across all company silos. Whether companies are adapting to or embracing new media correctly is up for discussion what is not however is the ever increasing use of this new media which is gradually becoming more integrated in today’s business communication processes.

So we are all, the business and individual, starting to leverage the many benefits of being connected to the masses in this new form. However, there are also other not so positive aspects to this connectivity; whilst minimal they must not be discarded.

So we know that there are inherent risks in crowded areas and generally speaking we act accordingly and if we are additionally warned we will become even more cautious.

So, why then do we congregate through social media without taking any precautions? And why do we not pay any attention to the security warnings? I know that all IT security companies, including my own Panda Security, are trying to get those “posters” everywhere they can but apparently it is proving to be an uphill battle.

I am no anthropologist but I have a theory as to why this happens, and like all theories I cannot prove it and I don’t claim that it is right, it’s just my theory…in which I think the following 3 factors are part of the problem: environment, pain (cause and effect) and social fabric.

Before I go into each point above I would also mention that there is an obvious variable in this equation and that is the novelty of the threat. It is all so relatively new, we still have not been affected enough to internalize the situation as we have with other threats so I believe there is a learning curve here in which we must mature and the socialization of this information is key. However, that being said I still feel there are other factors which are not so tangible and they are as follows:


Pain (cause and effect):

Trust / Social Fabric:

So the take away here is be informed of the risks, be aware and take the necessary precautions. This is not rocket science by the way; there are very simple steps to take which can reduce the risk dramatically.

To get informed I would recommend that you sign up to a security feed which gives updated information about IT security issues and good practical examples on what you should do to protect yourself and data. There are plenty of excellent blogs and sites out there that are endeavoring to socialize this information. I can share the ones I use.

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