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What Is a Data Breach + How Do You Prevent It?

Two hands typing code on a computer with a dark screen.

You’ve probably heard of companies having massive data breaches and thought, “How did that happen?” or “What if I had been affected?” A data breach can be scary, as it’s a type of security violation where confidential data is exposed or stolen without authorization. They can also have serious outcomes like payment card fraud or even identity theft.

Here’s a deeper look into how data breaches can affect you, how they happen and how to prevent them.

What Is a Data Breach?

A data breach is a security incident where private, confidential or sensitive information is exposed or stolen by someone without authorization. They happen for various reasons, from human error to malicious attacks, and the consequences can be significant. Anyone is at risk of a data breach, especially if their accounts aren’t protected. 

Data breaches can result in: 

Phases of a Data Breach

Unlike what your imagination may suggest, a malicious data breach looks less like someone dressed in all black sneaking into a building with a flash drive and more like people in a remote location scheming about how to hack into a database. 

However, not every data breach is malicious. Some are the result of human error or negligence, but we’ll go over that more in the next section. Here are the three stages of an intentional data breach.

1. Research

In the very beginning of a data breach, an attacker picks a target, usually a company or organization with access to personal data, and researches how they can infiltrate their target’s database. The attacker gathers information like employee information, financial records and security budgets. They also look for vulnerabilities like weak passwords, outdated software or unprotected network connections.

2. Attack

Taking what they’ve learned from their research, the attacker can now attack the data system. Here are some common ways attackers gain access to company systems or networks:

3. Extract Data

Once the attackers have gained access to the target’s system or network, they can locate and extract valuable or sensitive data, including personal information, financial records or any other data that could be sold on the dark web. The extracted data is then copied or transferred to the attacker’s own servers where they can control and exploit it. Oftentimes a company won’t know its data has been stolen until a third party like law enforcement, service providers or customers report the breach.

How Data Breaches Happen

Data breaches can be a type of cybercrime if done maliciously, but it can also be an unintentional error from someone with authorized access to the data. Here are the causes of data breaches:

Major Data Breaches and Their Consequences

Unfortunately, data breaches happen regularly, and every company without appropriate security measures in place is at risk. Check out these recently reported data breaches and their consequences: 

Data Breach Prevention 

Companies with your personal data are responsible for safeguarding it, and you could still be a victim of a data breach even if you follow data security best practices. However, you can make it harder for attackers to use your devices or passwords to gain access to databases with these tips:

Data breaches can have serious consequences. Follow security best practices and use Panda Security’s antivirus software to further protect your accounts. 

Sources: IBM | The Verge | Open AI | PC Gamer

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