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New App Helps Users Take Back their Privacy in Seconds
Now it’s possible to control privacy settings on your apps automatically. Discover how researchers made this possible.
How the new EU cybersecurity regulations affect businesses
A new legislation has been presented which will sync cybersecurity regulations in the EU.
Crucial Security Tips for a Stress-Free Vacation
Hackers and computer security threats are not going on vacation. Protect yourself this summer!
GDPR: Enabling Digital Transformation in the EU
Laws that regulate our IT security should not be overlooked. Learn how the latest current events, like the BREXIT, may affect your company’s digital transformation.
Panda Security Dissects the “Cyber-Pandemic”
Discover the main threats aimed at the Healthcare sector and how you can prevent them from hacking your health in the “Cyber-Pandemic” study.
Fraudulent Emails Threaten Businesses with “Whaling”; A New Scam with a Long History
Whaling has cost businesses in over 80 different countries more than 2.3 million dollars. Are you next?
POS and Credit Cards: In the Line of Fire with “PunkeyPOS”
Prevention is better than cure when it comes to cyber-attacks. Learn how to protect your credit card data from PunkeyPOS!