We bring you more great news! If a week ago we told you that we had achieved 100% detention rate according to AV-Comparatives, now we want to share with you that PC Magazine has listed Panda FREE as the best free antivirus for 2015.

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They highlight how easy to use it is, its quick install and that it provides “excellent lab results”.  PC Magazine says the best way of not having malware is to avoid downloading it and points out that Panda FREE has two ways of protecting you against these malicious downloads:

  • Blocking all access to known malicious URLs.
  • Scanning all the files downloaded, and eliminating the malicious ones immediately.

PC Magazine has chosen Panda FREE as their “Editors’ Choice”, and assures that Panda offers the best features of commercial antivirus according them and other independent labs.

Would you like to try the best free antivirus for 2015?