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How to fix errors in the protection and agent of products based on Aether Platform?

Ces informations s’appliquent à:

Panda Adaptive Defense 360 on Aether PlatformPanda Adaptive Defense on Aether Platform
Panda Endpoint Protection on Aether PlatformPanda Endpoint Protection Plus on Aether Platform

To solve certain situations in which the software of Aether-based products may be malfunctioning, you can reinstall it remotely from the management console, for both Windows workstations and servers. The software reinstallation takes place separately for the agent and for the protection module.

Remote reinstallation requirements
In order to use the protection and agent reinstallation options, the following requirements must be met:
  • The operating system of the computer on which the reinstallation will be performed, workstation or server, is Windows.
  • A computer with the discovery computer role on the same network segment as the computer whose software needs reinstalling. The discovery computer must communicate with the Panda Security cloud.
  • Local admin or domain admin account credentials.

In what cases can remote reinstallation be useful?
The functionalities of reinstalling the protection and reinstalling the agent are available from the Computer list in the Computer top menu and one or several devices can be selected at the same time.

Let's see in which cases it may be useful to remotely reinstall the protection and/or the communications agent.

  • The reinstallation of the protection is recommended for computers that show errors in the installation of the protection or errors in the protection already installed.
  • The agent reinstallation is recommended for computers that show a last non-recent connection date or with a long pending restart and without updating the status.

To see on which computers it is necessary to perform one or another reinstallation action, we recommend to extract the listings that meet the conditions previously indicated from the Computers tab and in the left side panel, select the list called Computer protection status. You can check the option Protection with errors in the Protection status section or in the Last connection section, select the one that best suits your filtering needs.

Reinstall protection (reboot required)
When choosing to reinstall a computer?s protection, a window is displayed with the following two options:

  • Reinstall the protection immediately (requires restart): the computer's protection will be reinstalled in one minute. If the target computer is not available at that particular time because it is turned off or offline, the restart command will remain on the Panda Adaptive Defense 360 server for 1 hour.
  • Delay reinstallation for a certain time: the computer's protection will be reinstalled according to the time configured by the administrator. If the target computer is not available because it is turned off or offline, the restart command will remain on the Panda Adaptive Defense 360 server for 7 days. At the time the administrator starts the reinstallation process, the computer user will see a pop-up message giving them the option to restart the computer immediately or wait until the time configured.

Reinstall the agent
When choosing to reinstall a computer's agent, a window is displayed prompting you for the following information:
  • Discovery computer from which the agent will be reinstalled:
    • Make sure the discovery computer is on the same network segment as the computer whose agent you want to reinstall.
    • If the discovery computer is turned off, the request will be queued until the computer becomes available again. Requests are queued for a maximum of 1 hour, after which time they are discarded.
  • Credentials for reinstalling the agent: enter one or multiple pairs of installation credentials. Use the target computer's local or domain administrator account to complete the reinstallation successfully.
Once you have entered the aforementioned information, the discovery computer will take the following actions:
  • Connect to the computer whose agent you want to reinstall.
  • Uninstall the agent installed on the computer whose agent you want to reinstall.
  • Download a new agent preconfigured with the customer, group, and network settings assigned to the computer. This agent will be copied to and run remotely on the computer whose agent you want to reinstall.
  • If an error occurs during the process, a generic uninstaller will be launched and, if needed, a message will be displayed to the user with a countdown to an automatic restart and a button for restarting the computer immediately.
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