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What to look for in business antivirus?

business antivirus

One anti-malware solution is not the same as another, and there are many factors to consider when choosing one. Firstly, you need to know your own company: Are there many geographically disperse offices? How many employees work from outside the office or travel every day? What type of Internet and email access is required?

All of these factors are important when deciding on a business antivirus for your company. The wrong choice could lead to unnecessary set-up costs and, more importantly, could leave important security issues unaddressed.

Panda Security has carried out a comprehensive analysis of market trends, the security formats used by companies and new initiatives in the way businesses work, and consequently has designed a flexible solution that adapts to the needs of all types of companies. By leveraging the cloud, our corporate antivirus can protect any computer regardless of where it’s located and without having to set up special communication channels.

From the cloud console, the administrator can monitor the security status of all computers and make any changes to settings quickly and easily. This ensures a rapid ROI for all types of companies.

Also important when companies choose an anti-malware solution is to consider what type of protection they need for their network. The functions provided by the Panda Cloud Office Protection agent allow systems to be protected at all levels (anti-malware, email, Internet, device control, etc.) with a single product, which saves costs and enhances security.


María Ramírez

Panda Security Pre Sales Engineer

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