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Be careful with CryptoBit, the latest threat detected
2016 has been loaded with developments in the world of cyber-security. The latest news? CryptoBit, a type of ransomware known for its unique characteristics. Discover how to deal with it!
Five myths about security that most people still believe
This current wave of cyber-attacks is exposing all the dirty little secrets.
10 tips to avoid unwanted surprises this Christmas
We’ve filled out these recommendations with tips regarding how to stay safe when using some of the new technology you might find under the tree this year.
10 tips to stop cybercriminals from ruining your vacation
Our lives revolve around technology more than ever now and this also poses a risk during the vacation period, but don’t fear – these are some measures you can take to stop cybercriminals from ruining your summer.
If you like videogames, check out these safety steps! Â
Do you know how to play safely? Follow these tips and use common sense!
CryptoLocker: What Is and How to Avoid it
CryptoLocker is a family of ransomware whose business model (yes, malware is a business to some!) is based on extorting money from users. This continues…
8 things your kids shouldn’t do online
It’s not unusual nowadays to hear people say that if you want to know how to operate any technical device, ask a child, and they’re…