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How to wipe your computer

Selling your computer? Giving it to a friend? Throwing it away? Before doing anything you need to make sure your personal data has been removed to stop it falling into the wrong hands.

These steps will help you wipe everything from your computer before it moves on.

Microsoft Windows 10 and 11

Windows 10 makes it extremely easy to clean your hard disk:

Your computer will start a quick wizard that takes you through a few extra warnings and options. Follow the onscreen instructions and the computer will complete the rest of the process automatically. This may take a while…

The process is exactly the same for Windows 10 and 11 – even if the screens and menus look slightly different.

Apple MacOS

Apple make the disk wiping process slightly harder, mainly to stop people accidentally deleting all their data. Here’s what you need to do:

M1/M2 Macs

Intel Macs

Accessing the Disk Utility on an older Intel Mac is slightly different:

The actual disk wiping process is exactly the same whether you have an Intel of Apple Silicon Mac.

Factory reset and ready to go

Once you have completed the relevant disk wiping process all personal data will have been deleted. So you can be sure your information is safe – and whoever gets your old computer has a fresh, factory ready machine to work with.

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