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How can I stop people from connecting to my Wi-Fi?


Paying for a fast and reliable Wi-Fi connection at home only to find out that your neighbor is stealing the signal from you is pretty annoying. Not only is it frustrating, but there is also the legal aspect to think of – everything that is viewed and downloaded by the Wi-Fi connection is your responsibility.

In the majority of cases it isn’t enough to protect your network by using the long and complicated password that comes with the router. Nor is it enough if you change it and create an even more difficult one.

If you want to know who is connecting to your Wi-Fi and how to stop your connection from being open to the public, the best thing you can do is use the Wi-Fi protector and monitor that you can find in the new line of 2016 Panda product.

This feature allows you to see all of the devices that are connected to your network and lets you block an intruder if you detect one. This will stop them from being able to reconnect again.

Furthermore, the monitor will provide you with the following information:

So, are you ready to protect your Wi-Fi connection?

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