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Help us help you!

Posted by David Verstraeten, November, 13th, 2009

Let me begin by introducing myself, my name is David Verstraeten, I am a support technician at the Panda Security Benelux offices and I have been giving support for both the Retail as well as the Corporate products.
One thing every technician enjoys is solving technical problems, no matter how hard finding the solution was!
To help us find a solution for your problem, you can also help us, and thus help yourself.

Here are a few tips:

If you are ever in need of help, access the TechSupport website, if you still need further help, let our TechSupport Forum expert technicians guide you.
In any case, have at hand the following preliminary information as it will speed up the resolution of your issue:

Of course not all these things will be applicable to all situations, or it might not be clear to you what is.
If that’s the case, just provide whatever information you think is necessary and we’ll do our very best to help.

NOTE: Please use the forum, not the blog to address your technical queries 🙂


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