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Happy 1st Birthday La Piazza

Believe it or not, La Piazza Panda Support blog was born a year ago!

The TechSupport community at Panda Security needed an open space to share fresh and fun news on technology with the wide world. However, at the beginning, it was not very clear to us, at the eKnowledge Department*, whether this project could become a reality.

Beginnings are never easy and, as you can all guess, ours wasn’t either. However, stubborn as we are, with tons of enthusiasm, hard work and thanks to the amazing quest carried out to involve collaborators, we are proud to say that La Piazza Blog has now become a great success!!

Here are the facts:

We have published 70 posts, received over 360 comments and, according to the records, La Piazza has scored the company’s highest number of feed subscribers and visitors!!

Obviously, all this happiness could have never been possible without the unvaluable support of our colleagues and external collaborators, such as:

We would also like to thank Ana Etxebarria, Global Director of Technical Support and Customer Service at Panda Security, for endorsing the blog. Without her drive and determination, it would have not been possible!

In the picture, from left to right, the *eKnowledge ladies 😉 Blanca Carton, Leyre Velasco and Cristina Bermúdez (Nerea Bezares could not make the photo session 🙁 )

Thank you so much for your ideas and support!

Keep reading us and commenting our posts!!

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