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Panda Security
Proxy vs. VPN: 6 Differences You Need to Know
Sometimes you’ll see settings for a VPN or proxy on your device. What are these mysterious networking terms – and why do they matter?
What Is a Whaling Attack (Whale Phishing) + How Can You Prevent It?
Whale phishing is a cyberattack that specifically targets high-level executives (CEOs and CTOs) within an organization, aiming to steal sensitive information or authorize fraudulent financial…
What Is Encryption and How Does It Work?
Encryption is the process of converting readable information into a secret code to protect it from unauthorized access. Only individuals with the correct key can…
What Is Captcha and How Does It Work?
While most of the time this is a quick step before you can continue your activity, many people wonder what a CAPTCHA is? And what is its purpose?
How to Know If Your Computer Has a Virus: Watch Out for These 11 Signs
Here are some signs to tell if your computer has a virus: Slow-running computer Overheating computer Screen pop-ups Antivirus warnings Quick battery drains Missing files…
What Is OAuth? Meaning + How It Works
OAuth (Open Authorization) is a standard for authorization that allows a third-party application to obtain limited access to your account on an HTTP service, such…
What Is a Digital Footprint? + 10 Ways to Protect It
A digital footprint is the trail of data you leave behind from your online activities — everything from browsing websites to posting on social media.…